Hotel pointe sud Saint-Louis, Senegal

Hotel pointe sud Saint-Louis FAQ

How easy is it to get around Saint-Louis?

Saint-Louis is relatively small, so it’s easy to get around by foot or bike. There are also public buses and private taxis available for those who don’t want to walk. The city is quite safe and there’s a friendly atmosphere in the streets.

Where to stay in Saint-Louis?

The Hotel Saint-Louis is the perfect place to stay for those looking for a relaxing break. Located on the beachfront, we offer comfortable accommodation with stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean. With a range of amenities and services, guests can make the most of their stay in Senegal’s vibrant capital city.

Whats Eating and drinking in Saint-Louis?

Dining out in Saint-Louis is a unique experience. The city has a great range of eateries, from traditional Senegalese cuisine to international favourites. There are several high-end restaurants in the area, as well as more affordable options. For those looking for an authentic taste of Senegal, local dishes such as Yassa, Ceebu Jen, and Thiéboudienne are highly recommended.

What is there to do in Saint-Louis?

Saint-Louis has plenty to offer in terms of attractions and activities. Guests can explore the city’s vibrant culture by visiting historical sites such as La Cour de Cassa, or take a tour of the nearby Langue de Barbarie National Park which is home to a variety of birds, fish and mammals. Other popular activities include shopping in the bustling markets, hiking along the banks of the Senegal River and relaxing in one of the many cafés or bars. In addition, the hotel offers a variety of excursions and activities for guests to enjoy during their stay. Whether you want to go on an African safari or spend a day fishing on Lake Guiers, our team is here to help you create an unforgettable experience. We are committed to providing our guests with the highest quality of service and making their stay as enjoyable as possible. So come and explore Senegal with us!

How to get to Saint-Louis?

Getting to Saint-Louis is easy! The hotel is conveniently located and can be reached by car, bus, or train. From Dakar International Airport, take a direct two-hour drive on the A1 Highway to the southern entrance of the city. Alternatively, ride a comfortable and air-conditioned bus for about three hours from the airport to the main bus station in Saint-Louis. There are also frequent train services from Dakar that take around five hours and have a stop at the city’s train station.

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